Saturday, 18 February 2012

pondlife to nature blog

It's now half way thru February & we've had virtually no proper winter here in the north east as yet, apart from a few days of frost & some hail this morning.i know this is called pondlife & as i no longer have a pond there is some info here which may be helpful to someone, & if anyone has a question concerning ponds, either building one, maintaining one, filtation or whatever, just email me , or post  below & i'll get back to you with pleasure. I shall therefore post about nature & the wildlife we have round where i live on this blog

dedicated gardener

dedicated gardener
Caught this lady enjoying a little spot of weeding one very rare summers afternoon July2012 I was just going round to mow the grass when i saw the carrier bags, at first i couldn't see her, then i did & immediately took this pic with my phone. I think it's a lovely photo, with some nice color.